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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Early History of OKC Methodism by Local News Reporter

The First Eight Months of Oklahoma City was written by a news reporter who was there, busy collecting tidbits for publication and to be sent over the news wires. Among the information, political reports and accounts is a valuable section for the history of Methodism in Oklahoma City. "HISTORY OF THE M. E. CHURCH IN OKLAHOMA CITY AND A SKETCH OF ITS PASTOR, REV. A. G. MURRAY" offer important details and information about the actions of early Methodists from that first Sunday after the run and the leaders who were involved.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Maud Methodist Church Bells

Maud, Oklahoma was founded in Seminole County in 1896.  In 1902 the Methodist Church was founded there and closed in 2007. The bells from the church are displayed outside the Maud Historical Society Museum (open according to their sign on Saturdays and Sundays only).